Author Archives: turiyamoore

Meditation and Discussion (60 min)

The Meditation and Discussion meeting begins just as described in the Get Meditated practice, but the meditation practice is influenced by its companion topic. This portion lasts 20 – 30 minutes. Meditation is followed by discussion on a unique topic. We describe this as a discussion instead of a lecture because we enjoy questions and  …read more

Conscious Connection

The Yoga of Relationships The Conscious Connection Workshop is not running at this time. If you’d like to know when it runs again please subscribe to our mailing list to receive notifications about future classes. Every meeting will include meditation and discussion with group practice of specific techniques for deeper connection and better relationships that  …read more

Good Health (10.5 min)

“Good health is more than a state of not being ill. It is a radiant state of inner wellbeing. Physical illnesses may be cured by medicines. No medicine however can induce that state of boundless energy which comes when every cell in the body cooperates with the mind willingly, joyfully in all that it seeks  …read more

Enthusiasm (18 min)

The thing about enthusiasm is that it’s fun or it’s “funner”, but it’s magnetic. I think probably everybody here has either been themselves or already is, or knows people who are and have experienced people who are very enthusiastic about something that they do. So when when we’re around people who are enthusiastic about what  …read more

Humility (22 min)

Welcome to Meditation Unlimited/Yogananda Meditation Center. My name is Turiya and our topic tonight is Humility. In everything in spiritual teachings, there are always these opposing ideas that seem to be conflicts. The way I’ve experienced meditation personally is that I’m able to go deepest and become most relaxed when I’m absolutely alert and have  …read more

Guided Meditation (25 min.)

Transcription of “Guided Meditation”: Sit with a tall spine. If you want to you can have the hands facing upward, relaxed on your lap. Let’s inhale and tense the body. Exhale, relax. And just two more times. Inhale. Really relax and empty the lungs. One more time. Feel the shoulders relax away from the neck  …read more

Willingness (14 min)

So the topic is willingness and what I want to say about that is just from my point of view, from my own self, so I’ll speak to me now. Lack of willingness comes from pessimistic, negative thought – “I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to work so hard. I don’t want  …read more